Oferta de ensino
Proposta de projeto
Josy Helps!
Sense of solidarity - take responsibility - get involved
Josy Helps!
The school project "Josy Helps!" (2017-2020/2021) is based on the idea that each and every one of us can contribute to building a fairer and more sustainable world. It aims to motivate pupils to look beyond the end of their noses and become aware of the responsibility each of us has as a global citizen. In a spirit of solidarity and tolerance, the project provides pupils with various opportunities to get involved in a wide range of areas. The project is built on four interconnected pillars: respect for democracy and human rights, environmental protection, humanitarian aid and the integration of disadvantaged groups into our society.
Tipo de instituição/transportadora
Nome da instituição
Como é que a iniciativa é financiada?
as a school project (CCPÉ)
Oportunidades de participação
- working together on specific projects
O que é necessário
Financiamento Cidadãos empenhados Voluntários a tempo parcial Competência/conhecimento EquipamentoObjectivos
- Phase 1: Inform and raise awareness among pupils about the various issues through workshops, exhibitions, field visits and meetings with NGO representatives.
e.g.: My waste, our waste" project (exhibition of a pyramid of waste collected over the course of a week at the LJBM, visit to the SuperDreckskëscht, Upcycling competition), collection and distribution of basic necessities to the homeless (in collaboration with the Stëmm vun der Strooss and the Ulysse centre), conference "Nord-Sud: Commitment to sustainable development" (in cooperation with: CNS, Université du Luxembourg, MECDD), organisation of activities in a CIPA, Antigaspi exhibition, etc.
- 2nd phase: mobilise to initiate joint projects at the LJBM and make them a lasting part of our school community
e.g.: "Journées de la Solidarité", "Journées du Développement Durable", "Save our Planet" option, "LJBM goes India" project, redefining the rôthe role of class representatives and the student committee within the LJBM, round tables, Mérite Jeunesse, Fair breakfast, etc.
- Phase 3: Establish the LJBM as a qualitative and autonomous non-profit organisation (no longer dependent on the hours of release and the budget made available as part of the school project).
- turn our students into autonomous and responsible citizens for whom social commitment has become a reflex
- bind the school community together through shared experiences, values and ideals
- make education in sustainable development a permanent part of the curriculum (joint excursions and workshops per year of study, interdisciplinary class projects, etc.)
- to make the LJBM a "sustainable school".
The Josy Helps! project is aimed primarily at pupils, the citizens of tomorrow. However, it also seeks to unite the entire school community (pupils, teachers, educators and administrative and technical staff) around a common goal: a commitment to a better future for all. In the longer term, the project even aims to go beyond the school to work with NGOs, other schools, the local authority, etc. to create a large network of volunteers willing to get involved.
Desafios e sucessos de aprendizagem
The success of this project depends to a large extent on good communication within the school community (plenary sessions, website, social media, information screens, newsletters, videos, delegates, etc.) and externally (emails, media, conferences, etc.).
In order to implement sustainable development within our school, teachers need to be trained in the various themes (Service Learning, Agenda 2030, etc.).
Finally, the project cannot succeed without the active support of the management.
Objectivos de sustentabilidade
Sem pobreza Não à fome e à agricultura sustentável Saúde e bem-estar Educação de qualidade Igualdade de género Água potável e saneamento Energia acessível e limpa Trabalho digno e crescimento económico sustentável Infra-estruturas resilientes, industrialização sustentável e inovação Reduzir as desigualdades Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis Padrões sustentáveis de consumo e produção Medidas de proteção do clima Vida debaixo de água (oceanos e mares) Vida na terra Paz, justiça e instituições fortes Parcerias para atingir os objectivosObjectivos de sustentabilidade
- Sem pobreza
- Não à fome e à agricultura sustentável
- Saúde e bem-estar
- Educação de qualidade
- Igualdade de género
- Água potável e saneamento
- Energia acessível e limpa
- Trabalho digno e crescimento económico sustentável
- Infra-estruturas resilientes, industrialização sustentável e inovação
- Reduzir as desigualdades
- Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
- Padrões sustentáveis de consumo e produção
- Medidas de proteção do clima
- Vida debaixo de água (oceanos e mares)
- Vida na terra
- Paz, justiça e instituições fortes
- Parcerias para atingir os objectivos
Nome da Organização
- Josy Helps!
- sandra.fratini@education.lu
Endereço / Geo, Contacto
- 2, rue Gaston Thorn
- L-8268 Mamer
- Jessica Wilmes / Sandra Fratini
- jessica.wilmes@education.lu