Food resilience
Climate and energy
Nature and biodiversity
Zero waste
Educational offer
Our mission is to produce and sell seasonal edible flowers, cut flowers, herbs, dried & pressed flowers, and flowerfetti for special occasions.
Botanika started in March 2018 by Kate Greenwood. We grow on our plot edible flowers, cut flowers, herbs, dried and pressed flowers, & flowerfetti. Our products are seasonal and never treated with pesticides or nasties. We are committed to spreading the word about seasonality to the world.
Institution type/carrier
Private Company
How is your initiative financed?
Self Employed
Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?
Participation opportunities
This year we are aiming to expand Botanika’s Bee Garden even further... So we are always looking for volunteers. The aim is to create a nectar rich haven for butterflies, bees and insects with our pollinating friendly plants. We also want to increase public awareness of the needs of our pollinators and to demonstrate how anyone can make their space more bee friendly. We have an 'Open Day' 3-4 June 2023 so please come along. If you are interested please look under 'events' on our website or contact us
What’s needed
Artists Full time volunteers Part time volunteers Strong arms Expertise/knowledge A temporary place EquipmentOther
We are currently looking into a solar paneled cool room for the plot.
Healthy soil and happy polinating insect life.
Increase bio diversity.
Target audience
Our audience are people who care about where their food and flowers comes from.
Challenges and learning successes
Yes ! You learn something new every day working on a plot. Keeping fit mentally and physically is very important. Be prepared for up's and down's and remain positive no matter what...
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Zero Hunger Good Health and Well-being Gender Equality Decent Work and Economic Growth Responsible Consumption and ProductionSustainability Targets
- Zero Hunger
- Good Health and Well-being
- Gender Equality
- Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Responsible Consumption and Production
Name of Organization
- Botanika
Address & geo, Contact person
- Botanika
- rue Bickeltchen
- L-8373 Hobscheid
- Kate Greenwood
- +352691434100