climate_and_energy / Climate and energy

Climate and energy

Enercoop Nature Park Öewersauer

Initiative phase: Early beginnings

EnerCoop Öewersauer is an energy cooperative founded by citizens in 2020 with the aim of supporting the energy transition.

Enercoop Nature Park Öewersauer

The cooperative wants to actively shape the energy transition by developing and implementing renewable energy projects.

Since the cooperative was only founded in 2020, it only has around 40 members. The cooperative is organised on a grassroots democratic basis. Each member has one vote at the general meeting, regardless of the number of shares, and can thus actively participate in the cooperative's activities.

The cooperative's first project is to install a photovoltaic system and produce enough electricity to cover the annual consumption of 160 people.

Institution type/carrier


How is your initiative financed?

The cooperative finances itself independently through the shares acquired by the members.

Participation opportunities

You can become part of the cooperative by buying a share in it. A single share costs 100€.

What’s needed

Financing Engaged citizen


The cooperative's goal is to mitigate climate change and move towards energy independence through the production of sustainable energy.
With its projects, the cooperative also wants to promote rational and responsible energy use.

Target audience

The cooperative is aimed at anyone who is interested in promoting local renewable energy production.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Affordable and Clean Energy Sustainable Cities and Communities

Sustainability Targets

  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

Address & geo, Contact person

  • 15 Rue de Lultzhausen
  • Rue de Lultzhausen 15
  • 9650 Esch-sur-Sûre
This page was translated automatically with DEEPL.
The initiative information was originally written in German
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