Climate and energy
EnerCoop Syrdall S.C.
EnerCoop Syrdall S.C. is an energy cooperative founded in 2019 with the aim of supporting the energy transition in the Syr Valley.
EnerCoop Syrdall S.C.
The cooperative wants to actively shape the energy transition by developing and implementing renewable energy projects. It can count on the support of the municipalities of Contern, Niederanven, Sandweiler and Schüttringen, which have made municipal roofs available for the installation of PV systems.
The cooperative has around 140 members. The cooperative is organised on a grassroots democratic basis. Each member has one vote at the general meeting, regardless of the number of shares, and can thus actively participate in the cooperative's activities.
So far, the cooperative has installed seven photovoltaic systems and thus produced enough electricity to cover the annual consumption of 272 people. Further projects are being developed and will be presented soon.
Institution type/carrier
EnerCoop Syrdall S.C.
How is your initiative financed?
The cooperative is independently financed by the shares purchased by the members. For future projects, it is planned to sell further shares at € 500 each.
Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?
The municipalities of Contern, Niederanven, Sandweiler and Schüttringen
Participation opportunities
One can become a member of the cooperative by purchasing a share in it. A single share costs 500€, but the number of shares is not limited. In addition, a member of the cooperative can get involved in the board of directors free of charge in order to drive new projects forward. The provision of (roof) space for PV systems is also a possibility for participation.
What’s needed
Financing Engaged citizenObjectives
The cooperative's goal is to contribute to the energy transition by implementing and developing projects for the production, purchase, sale and distribution of renewable energy.
Through its projects, the cooperative also aims to promote rational and responsible energy use.
Target audience
The cooperative is aimed at anyone who is interested in promoting local renewable energy production.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Affordable and Clean Energy Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesSustainability Targets
- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
Name of Organization
- EnerCoop Syrdall S.C.
Address & geo, Contact person
- EnerCoop Syrdall S.C. c/o A.C. Sandweiler
- Rue Principale 18
- 5240 Sandweiler
- Paul Polfer, Präsident

The initiative information was originally written in German