Climate and energy
Nature and biodiversity
Alternative economy
Transport & mobility
March for Earth
March for Earth
On 22 April, Earth Day, we, a collective of civil society organisations*, are calling on citizens to march in celebration of the Earth and the life it sustains.
We invite all citizens who wish to live on a healthy planet and in societies that are more attentive to the needs of people and the environment, to get together and march. Let's march for a different future. A future where we have succeeded in transforming our lifestyles and made our societies more sustainable and resilient. To this end, we are sending a document of demands to the public authorities (see images).
this is a test
*The collective is composed of:
Afrilanthropie, Amnesty International Luxembourg, ASTI, ASTM, ATD Quart Monde Luxembourg, Caritas Luxembourg, CELL, Cercle de Coopération des ONGD, Commission luxembourgeoise " Justice et Paix ", Coup de pouce, Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg, Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg, Erwuessebildung, Etika, Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg, Findel+, Fondation Partage Luxembourg, Forum, Fondation pour l'accès au logement (dans le cadre de son adhésion à " One Planet Luxemburg"), Foodsharing Luxembourg, Friddens- a Solidaritéitsplattform, Frères des Hommes (FdH), Gaialux, Greenpeace Luxembourg, Jugendrot/CGJL, Julie Conrad Design Studio, Klimabündnis, Life, LRSL_Actionteam4future, Megaphone, natur & ëmwelt, OGBL, ProVelo, SEED, Seniors for Climate Luxembourg, SOS Faim Luxembourg, Transition Minett, Up Foundation, Wecitizens
Institution type/carrier
Civil society
Are there any additional partners or funders connected to your initiative?
Afrilanthropie, Amnesty International Luxembourg, ASTI, ASTM, ATD Quart Monde Luxembourg, Caritas Luxembourg, CELL, Cercle de Coopération des ONGD, Commission luxembourgeoise " Justice et Paix ", Coup de pouce, Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg, Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg, Erwuessebildung, Etika, Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg, Findel+, Fondation Partage Luxembourg, Forum, Fondation pour l'accès au logement (dans le cadre de son adhésion à " One Planet Luxemburg"), Foodsharing Luxembourg, Friddens- a Solidaritéitsplattform, Frères des Hommes (FdH), Gaialux, Greenpeace Luxembourg, Jugendrot/CGJL, Julie Conrad Design Studio, Klimabündnis, Life, LRSL_Actionteam4future, Megaphone, natur & ëmwelt, OGBL, ProVelo, SEED, Seniors for Climate Luxembourg, SOS Faim Luxembourg, Transition Minett, Up Foundation, Wecitizens
Together, we want to send a strong message to the public authorities and show, in a positive and inclusive way, that we are all united in our desire to protect our planet and celebrate its beauty.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Partnerships to achieve the goalSustainability Targets
- Responsible Consumption and Production
- Climate Action
- Life Below Water
- Life on Land
- Partnerships to achieve the goal
Name of Organization
- Un collectif d’organisations de la société civile
Address & geo, Contact person
- 9, Place de la Gare
- 1616 Luxembourg